This image was shot on a point and shoot Minolta 3.3 mp digital camera, pre dating my time with a Nikon DSLR. This is a great example of an image that is truly about being the photographer. I once heard while teaching, Nan Goldin had her class bring in all of their equipment at the beginning of a term, only to surprise her students by giving them all Yashica T4 point and shoot cameras. Her statement was, we will be shooting with the Yashica cameras all term, You are the Photographer, You Push The Button.
I was always draw into the high aesthetic value of this image. This was shot in Berlin in 05', like several images I have from earlier years; structures have been either edited, or vanished from the landscape all together.
I find it very interesting that in the space, named Alexanderplatz, that the building owners/corporation would decide to remove such an original and interesting solution to cover a building. This shopping concourse sits below, and connects to Berlin's iconic Fernsehturm TV Tower. Which serves as a viable landmark if you find yourself lost, intoxicated and/or without Berliner, in this cities' rich landscape.
The bottom line being, the two were in fact made for eachother! Aesthetically they lined up perfectly, and provided for a window into the 1960's. Berlin wouldn't dare take down the symbolic tv tower, as it is the structural icon of the city. Yes, they do have the Berliner bear and the Prussian Eagle, that are also icons...but these are nothing compared to the mark of success in the TV Tower erected by the east Berlin communist GDR regime.
The shopping area now stands looking like any 'new' place you may pass, thus homogenizing a once visually stimulating experience.
I must have over 50 images of this bumpy, white covered building. These are coupled with a growing passion against structures that are being edited for the worse, or demolished with lack of good reason.